Friday, 19 March 2010

Viral Marketing - Starting Our Facebook Page

Whilst making our ancillary products, we decided that a good way to promote our film would be through viral marketing; Emily had previously researched this further. We decided that we would make our our Movie Page on in which we would post details of the upcoming film, as well as different photos from the film to gain popularity.

To start with, I created the email account so that we could set up our own facebook account to create the page. After some difficulties, Amy managed to create this page and add content to it so that we could begin to raise this online awareness.

We then began to promote this page through our own facebook accounts via status updates and on our friends walls. Our page began to gain popularity with our friends, and some of their friends also. This is a key example of the power of viral marketing and media in the online age.

Our facebook page can be viewed by clicking HERE.

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Blogger Beauchamps Media said...

Love the facebook page team; it certainly proves that viral marketing works since some of your responses are far removed from the original source.


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